Friday, April 25, 2008

The meaning of life...

The meaning of life is...

Peanut M&Ms.

Candy coated, chocolaty, peanutty goodness.

Yep, Peanut M&Ms are what it's all about. ***wishes I had bought some today***

Peanut M&Ms = no matter how hard our shell is, or how sweet we seem underneath the shell, we are all nuts in the center.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giggle. I, too, love (only) peanut M&Ms. But the question is: Would my life have meaning without them? :-)

I'd have smaller hips if I stopped eating them. But do smaller hips add meaning in life? On that point, I have to say who cares...a balanced life certainly must include M&Ms (and crunchy Cheetos!)

As my way of 'giving back', I'd like to offer you (and all who read this) a free gift copy (pdf) of my book. No strings attached...really! Just send me an e-mail from my web site.

Again, thanks for the smile.

take care,
Louise Lewis, Author
No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!