Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Drum roll, please.....

I can't believe how excited I am about this!! You can tell by all the exclamation points!!!!

I am now an official garden columnist for a local news site!!!

(Yes, that's and all.  My secret identity...sigh...)

 All of my faithful readers (both of you)....come, read, share!!


Carolyn said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful gig you got there, and I just LOVE the rabbit poking out of your hair on the pic!!

Country Wife said...

Thanks, Carolyn!! The caricature was a gift from my son (his own artwork) a few years ago, and I thought it was perfect for the column.

Unknown said...

Great opportunity and well deserved. Have fun with it, as i expect you will, and your readers will too.


Country Wife said...

Thanks, Lynda D!! I'll be posting links to the column here at the blog, so at least it'll be almost like blogging regularly again. (almost)