Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nary a peep

I'm still waiting for those peepers to start peeping. They were already singing by this time last year. But then, this time last year, we didn't have snow on the ground.

Yesterday was sunny and warm. I don't know the official temp, but the car said 62 degrees at one point, and it sure felt like it outside. Today is also sunny and amazingly warm for this time of year. NOAA predicted rain every single day this week. Sometimes it's good when they are wrong. ;)

Most of our snow melted yesterday. It was really odd: I was out yesterday morning, hiking through two feet of snow, and then last night I was slogging through swampland...all on the same path. The shady areas of our field still have a solid foot, but soon it will all be gone. Hooray!!!

The honey bees are foraging like mad. Nothing is blooming, so they have settled for the feed corn in the chicken pen. Lucky for them, the chickens don't seem too interested in bee snacks.

The windows are open and we have a warm breeze wafting through the house. Ahhhh fresh air!!

It's such a gorgeous day, I'm not about to waste it sitting here. I'm off to explore the marshlands.

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